Saturday, January 01, 2005

I'm Gonna Have Pancakes with a Side of Pancakes

New Year's Eve - always an interesting evening. The last few years I have turned it into a movie night because there are too many crazy people on the roads, drinking and doing drugs. Not a place for me, thanks.

Anyway, this year I went too a great party with some friends and had a lot of fun. I had a coule of drinks, but stopped early. Honestly, I didn't think we would stay too long as Angie and I went together and she is a least social person I know (so we compliment each other). But she said we should stay past midnight much to my surprise. So we did and it was fun. I saw some friends I hadn't seen in years. I got to talk party planning for a friend's bridal shower. I got to vent about people at work (with people from work) and overall, had a blast.

But...and there is usually a but...I didn't get home until 4am - that's right FOUR A M! I actually dropped Angie off around 3:15-ish, but getting out of town (did I mention Angie lives in the heart of madness?) was hell. Luckily I knew some back ways, but still it took forever.

That said, after a night like that, what do you want when you get home? Aspirin? Water? Bread? All of the above? No. I wanted pancakes and lots of them. Problem - I had no pancake mix and was in no condition to make them fram scratch (for those of you non-culinary folks, it requires separating eggs and whipping the egg whites to stiff peaks). Also, I had no buttermilk. DAMMIT! Now, here I am late in the day still trying to recover (did I mention that I slept until almost noon?) and I still want pancakes. This requires me to go to the store and buy crap - not gonna happen my friend.

I guess I will just have to suffer through. Life isn't fair ;)

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