Saturday, February 26, 2005

Support Your Local Actress

The Year: 1992
The Winner: Marisa Tomei in "My Cousin Vinny"
The Other Nominees:
Judy Davis in "Husbands and Wives"
Joan Plowright in "Enchanted April"
Vanessa Redgrave in "Howards End"
Miranda Richardson in "Damage"

Robbed: Everyone but Marisa.

I hate to jump on the bandwagon and bring up controversy, but c'mon. It was a shock enough to have her nominated and I am guessing that she was not meant to win. I cannot stand this movie and I have tried watching it. She was fine, but her accent wasn't great. It seems like a travesty that probably put a permanent age limit on presenters.

As for this year's pick, the Nominees are:
Cate Blanchett in "The Aviator"
Laura Linney in "Kinsey"
Virginia Madsen in "Sideways"
Sophie Okonedo in "Hotel Rwanda"
Natalie Portman in "Closer"

It's gotta be Cate. She truly portrayed Kate Hepburn as if she were channeling her - it was almost eerie. She really stole the show and I was impressed with her performance. Now, the other Kate was apparently amazing (no, I haven't watched Spotless yet), but I'm guessing she won't win. I think that there may be a chance for Virginia to take it - she did an amazing job. Natalie actually acted better in "Garden State", so I would rather she not win for this. Laura was good, but I really don't see her getting any credit for it.

My vote is for Cate!

That's all for today...tomorrow it's ANIMATED FEATURE FILM!

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