Wednesday, February 09, 2005

Days of Wine and Roses

Ahhhh the perils of wine...

Yesterday wasn't too bad of a day for a Tuesday. Work, work and more work and did I mention some work. I had a meeting with the "big boss" over budget - that was fun! So I dressed a little bit nicer, but had to put up with inquiries all day about it. I was shiney and soft - that matches my personality right?

Then I had drinks with some work friends and we had a blast. I haven't laughed that hard in a long time. Then one of them and I headed out to grab a bite to eat (he may not be working for us much longer so we decided we should hang out).

We had a fabulous meal at my friend Justin's place. It was an excellent meal with excellent conversation and wine...lots of wine. I still feel it today!

Anyway, not much more to say, except is it Friday yet??

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