Wednesday, May 11, 2005

The Truth About Trouble

Men can be trouble. I'm not sure if it is something they are by design or just by years of programming, but lately it seems to not matter how, just the why.

I love men, I do. It is when they become frustrating and make our lives more dramatic that you wonder why we keep them around at all. Mind you, I am not referring to ALL men, but at some point and time, each man becomes difficult to some girlfriend, boyfriend, wife, etc.

So, for more information as to why this has come up, please feel free to pop on over to Ancalagon's Abyss and read all about it (the Voodoo Doll post from 5/10) and then her follow up post from today (5/11).

Here is my do not "get" women. They should - they have been trying for enough years that they should have made some progress. But to that point, women are too sensitive to things men say. We read too much into any word uttered by a man and end up making things into even more drama than they started out. Last time I checked, even though there have been a couple of sexual revolutions in the last few decades, women still experience an emotional attachment when sex is involved. We can lie to ourselves and our friends and say "it's just sex," but deep down there is this connection that we cannot control...The difference is how we choose to handle that connection that keeps all of us chicks unique and keeps the boys guessing.

So where have we all gone wrong? Well, men need to understand that this will happen no matter what we say we want. Women need to be honest with themselves (me included) and understand their own hearts and minds. In other words, don't write any checks you can't cash!

That said, and I think I have said my peace, can't we all just get along!?!

So today is less insane than yesterday, but my job is making me crazy this week and I need a little adventure. I'm not sure what kind of adventure, but something to break up the monotony. Something fun...exciting...did I mention fun? Day trip somewhere would be nice, but who has the time? Yeah, yeah...make time.

So yesterday a friend here at work asked me a weird I have a boyfriend? Now this was completely out of left field and I wasn't really expecting it, but it was an odd question based on what the conversation had been. I explained my status (between bad relationships) and that I have little time to meet anyone who isn't at work. Then I started to think about that. Except for the redneck next door who likes to hit on me, I don't really meet people outside of work. Sad, really.

So, I need to get out there. At least meet some people. I was going strong in January and somehow I allowed my momentum to fizzle out and die. I really am not sure how that happened. So a mid-year resolution - get out, have fun and stop letting work run my life.

Good luck to me :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Men will never understand women.
Women will never understand men.

The biggest reason(s) is:

lack of communication