Monday, May 16, 2005

A Royal Pain in the Knee

So Shot #1 a dance for me, because I cannot.

So Friday was an insane day. We have this major project going on as I mentioned before and it is taking up ALL of my time. I had to leave work at 1:45 to get to my doctor's appointment (actually, I had to get to my parent's house, leave my car, change clothes, and have my mother drive me to the doctor's). All in time for a 2:30 appointment and they close at 3pm.

So, I had a project update meeting at 1pm. I explained to everyone that I had to walk out at 145pm and could we cover my area first. No one had a problem with that.

We started the meeting 10 minutes late and started with all the technical crap and caused a huge argument and a big delay in the meeting. 145pm came and went and we still hadn't covered my stuff. We finally got to it at 2pm and after 10 minutes, (my boss had already left) I had to excuse myself. I booked it to my car and peeled out of the parking lot. I killed myself to get to the doctor and my dad was kind enough to drive my mom to the doctor's office.

I walked in, with shorts and tennis shoes in hand (since I can't wear that to work) and was given a couple minutes to change in the room. Thank goodness. My mom walked in about the same time I did and that was nice. The nurse offered to get me a gown to change into and then I showed my shorts and she said "see, this is why you are one of our favorite patients!" Nice sentiment, it did make me feel good, but worries me that I spend too much time there. I think I keep Resurgens in business.

Anyway, I talked to my mom while I got the shot - it hurt like an SOB and I tried not to yell out. My mom kept me distracted while he shot world's longest needle into my knee (and hit a nerve or two on the way in) and shot the motor oil, huh?

So, the day sucked and ended with pain...and I get to do this for the next two weeks. The problem is, my parents are out of town on Friday and cannot be my transportation. I have a good friend who volunteered when I told her of my predicament and so I think I am covered...thank goodness.

So the weekend was pretty much a bust - I was unable to do much of anything for almost 2 days afterwards. I was supposed to go to my friend's house for dinner on Saturday, but was unable to drive down there. I passed along messages via cell phone, email and an SMS to Angie, but it turns out she was a no show as well - not to mention Steev didn't check his voicemail...nice.

Anyway, I think I convinced my friends this was unavoidable and I am no longer in the doghouse. I hate being in the doghouse. Hopefully, this weekend will suck less than last.

On a positive note, I sent presents to the West Coast (niece and nephew) and I got a phone call at my parents on Friday. Maggie is still the cutest ever. But when I got home on Sunday and checked my voicemail, there was a message from her. It said:
"Aunt D...Thank you for the present, but can you call back for us?" Clearly, Maggie doesn't like leaving messages anymore than I do :)

Back to work with my knee propped up under my desk and confined to my cube for the duration!


Anonymous said...

I dont know HOW to check my VoiceMail!

Luv, Steev

Unknown said...

Someone needs to learn...can you imagine the messages in there? Maybe you won $1 million and you have to respond within 24 hours...If so, I deserve a cut :)