Monday, May 02, 2005

Like Sands Through the Hourglass...

So it's Monday again and its MAY! How did that happen exactly? I swear, it was March just a minute ago. This week is shaping up to be really hectic for me and I am kind of looking forward to having it be Sunday...Mother's Day (Oy, Vey!).

The Kentucky Derby is this coming weekend, usually a welcomed day in my family, but truly this year I would prefer it just pass me by without any such luck.

So we are having a party on Saturday, which should be a lot of fun, but as usual with be a lot of work. I took Friday off to help cook and prepare, which should ease the pain a bit, but we are in an environment where people no longer RSVP. What is that about? It's called common courtesy to RSVP when people ask you to. It's kind of hard getting a headcount when people don't tell you if they are coming.

The food should be excellent (as always) and the betting is always fun (especially when I win), but I'm tired just thinking about it.

This morning I was given a Zen Garden (promotional Schwag at work) and I set it up, knowing full-well that I would need this to keep myself calm for the week. There is too much sand!! Now it is everywhere and I made a big mess.

Now, correct me if I am wrong, but usually the sand is supposed to stay in the container, not all around it and on the floor too, right? Some Zen Garden - it stressed me out from the second I opened it...I feel like this is some sick cosmic joke on me, and anal retentive one who hates mess...

Back to work as I need to get some Monday morning madness completed before I take my morning nap under my desk...later all!

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