Thursday, May 12, 2005

There is No Joy in Pain

So this is pretty late in the day for me to post, but today has been crazy and this is the first chance I have gotten.

Ihave been dealing with a major project at work and it has taken up every moment of my time and there is no joy in that.

Things around here are odd. We are in the middle of what I would call a Mass Exodus. Many people who have been here for some time have decided to move on for school, other jobs, etc. and it is very eerie here. I'm not going this close to sabbatical - it's less than a year at this point and for that, I can hang on. Besides, I don't hate it here, I just hate certain parts of my job at times.

Otherwise there is nothing to's all work all the time.

By the way, to the anonymous poster from yesterday - I refuse to believe it is so hopeless.

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