Thursday, July 28, 2005

My Own Lex Luthor...and Other Yummy Men

So this week has sucked! You have all been privy to my bitching about the hours I am putting in at work, but honestly, I hit 40 hours after I was at work about 90 minutes today...that is sad, even for me. Thank god I took tomorrow off! More about that in a minute...

In all these meetings I am in, I am sitting within view of many hunky and/or cute men. There are men from my own company, and men from a consulting firm. Some speak with accents (and I prefer that they do) and some are just pretty to look at. As Hugh Grant would say, I am this shallow!

The meetings have gone by pretty quickly; it is just the running around from meeting to meeting that really killed me yesterday. I had a 3 hour break from this project so I could meet about another project (outsourcing the last bit of call center folks). This project kills me as it means the end of having a lot of old friends here at work and I feel like I haven't really had the time to let this idea truly sink in. I think when these folks aren't here anymore that I will really dislike this place. It makes me want to cry.

When I went to this other meeting, I wasn't expecting to have Lex Luthor sitting across the table from me. I mean, don't get me wrong, but I have never really been attracted to bald men (expect on the big or small screen), but it was a pleasant surprise. So that meeting was cool and it ended up not being at all stressful as I was worried it might be so I sauntered down to the meeting on my other project, where there were no cute men yesterday…such a disappointment. At least I had some Lex time.

So this morning should prove to be interesting. I have no project meetings and can actually sit at my desk all day and get the work for my real job done. Nice thought, eh?

My boss seems to think that I am invincible and can do the work for 3 or 4 people and not crack under the pressure...the positive feedback I get is great, but I would like to be able to get home before 9pm and actually attend the screenings I have passes for. I would like to have a life outside of work and find someone fun to hang out with and I!?

My boss is lucky right now that I don't march in his office and tell him to shove it and walk right out the door. I think about it multiple times daily and if I didn't work with such fabulous people who are sympathetic and see what I go through on a daily basis (plus my countdown clock on my monitor), I would have said some horrible things to him more than once in the last couple of weeks. Having a boss that doesn't trust you in the least is crap - especially when he continues to pile up the work on you and gives you a hard time when his own boss gives you kudos.

Byte me!

Off to work and another day of hell...I need to just walk around and look at the pretty men some more...and find the cute consultants and make them talk to me, just so I can listen! This will help me escape in my own world for a while 

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