Sunday, July 24, 2005

Divorced White Female Seeks a Box Office Success

Movie Review: Must Love Dogs

I have to say that romantic comedies still get me to the theatre, despite past flops that had me considering otherwise. This movie made me glad that I keep trying, even if my expectations are considerably low.

Let me start by saying that John Cusack still does a great job playing the romantic lead, even if that lead is as oddball as his Jake is. Diane Lane is equally enthralling as someone so vulnerable that she will even throw her rulebook out the window (even I have been there!)

So just a quickie review here - preschool teacher recently divorced is wallowing in self-pity has a family who meddles and a love life that is non-existent. Meanwhile across town, recently divorced boat craftsman seeks Doctor Zhivago loving female who is neurotic and off the wall just like him. Oh yeah - they both Must Log Dogs. Now, ladies and gentlemen, let the fun ensue!

This is a decent date movie with a few laughs and an almost too honest look at what the dating world is like out there, single or divorced. I was sufficiently entertained for close to 2 hours and it didn't feel like close to 2 hours. I wasn't sorry to spend the $7 and see this before most of the world - one less thing to get seen!

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