Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Friends of a Feather

It's been raining here and usually that makes for a good night's sleep for me...but not the past couple of days. The meds they have me on have completely screwed up my sleep routines and so my days are seemingly 2 weeks long.

Yesterday, I got an AIM from my dad inviting me to dinner and to watch the baseball game - so I missed out on my afternoon nap on my new comfy sofa (yes, pictures will be posted tonight!). I did sort of nap on my dad's sofa (my old one), but he kept wanting me to wake up to talk to him. Not a problem, I love my dad, but the meds had a better idea for me.

I finally got up and helped in the kitchen while he finished up dinner:
Grilled Sirloin Steaks with Black Pepper Rub
Sautéed Spinach with Fresh Lemon
Loaded Baked Potatoes with Swiss Cheese

We ate a nice meal and I could not finish it all. Finally, I headed out the door to go home to go to bed. Well, I walked in the door and realized it was 9:15 - quick! Turn on Gilmore Girls to re-watch the season finale!!! So I did.

I sat and stitched and watched the entire last episode again - even when I only needed to watch the last 10 minutes that were missed the previous time this aired. At 10pm, my phone started to those of you in the TiVo world understand that if you start 15 minutes late on an hour show, you end a couple minutes after the hour. SO i finally saw who proposed to whom and then the show ended immediately. Dammit! When will September be here???

So it turns out, my friend from work Tisha was the one calling to make sure that I saw GG also and we proceeded to dish about it for 15 minutes. Ahhhh - to have friends with common interests - it makes it so much fun to share. You know - Water Cooler talk. My friends who were into Lost all left the company, so no one was around right after the finale. SO sad.

Anyway, today I have been wasting time chatting with friends on AIM. Things keep happening in our lives so those of us trying to find time to hang out, can't seem to work it out...but we have plans to hang out, just no times will come. Plus, there will be some fun shopping involved and good girl-talk - always a plus!

Despite the rain and the storming, and the lack of a good night's sleep, today is a decent enough day with lots of people keeping me if my mother would just send along those new Will pictures, I would be a much happier camper!

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