Wednesday, June 08, 2005

One by One

Those of you, who know me, know I am not a political person. Sure, I have my opinions, and I have been known to voice them, but I'm not really a "get-on-a-soapbox" kind of gal. I know what I believe in and I don't preach those beliefs to friends (or enemies). This post is not being preachy, not forcing my views or anything. This is just about something crucial I learned and now I am spreading the word...

Really, this is just an outlet for me, but there are certain things that you know to be true as you live your life - your family, for one. But what one tends to forget, is that we are born into privilege - just by being born in the US. Now there are plenty of people here who are hungry, homeless, etc., but we have many more opportunities than most countries. My point is this, be thankful for all that you have, even if you don't have a lot, by African standards, you have the world.

It really made me think. So, if you have the time, and you want to help make the world a better place (especially when you think about that for $16, an African child can go to school for a year), please check out The ONE Campaign.

It costs you nothing, but it will let you let W know that we are okay with sending some aide to Africa. After all, if I am stuck with W as my president, he needs to listen to our generation and make a decision based on who the country is, not how it will further him politically.

Please sign the petition - this isn't bogus. If you want, you can make a donation (and oh look, get a cool white wristband) - but I am not asking you for money...just to let your opinion know.

Thanks all - I'll step down off that soapbox now.

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