Tuesday, December 28, 2004

I, Lindy, Resolve To...

Okay so the new year is fast approaching - how it got to be 2005 already, I have no idea. So in the spirit of making changes for the newest year, I have made a list.

My new year's resolutions:
See more movies - 103 just isn't enough
Abuse alcohol and drugs
Laugh at people who are less fortunate than I am
Step on bugs (ants, spiders, etc) and small creatures
Forgo smiling and stick my tongue out to nice people
Travel to 3rd world countries and sell technology at outrageous prices
Call in sick to work whenever I feel fabulous
Work the systems (call every company I use and threaten to cancel so I get cool deals)

But seriously, I plan to exercise more, take real vacations and do at least one fun thing each weekend that isn't going to a movie. Not sure what that will be yet, but I will do my best to come up with some. Suggestions are always welcomed!

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