Thursday, April 14, 2005

All Work and No Play Makes for Grumpy Strategists

Pronunciation: 'bAs-"bol
Function: noun
Usage: often attributive
: a game played with a bat and ball between two teams of nine players each on a large field having four bases that mark the course a runner must take to score; also : the ball used in this game

So somehow, I convinced my boss (aka Stingey) to let us go to a Businessman's Special at Turner Field. Once he agreed, he decided that it should be everyone, not just our team. Suddenly, Lindy is stuck planning and coordinating 30 people...not fun!

The fun part was getting to leave work halfway through the day and go watch baseball...even if it meant watching my Braves tank.

We got a little wet, but had a great time and great seats (for only $12 a pop) and lunch only cost me $14 - a couple of hotdogs and a giant lemonade. Of course it would rain on such an occasion, but we had fun with co-workers and friends that made it all worthwhile.

Here is my beef - people get something for free, they should enjoy it. The point was to go as a group and have fun as a group, but best I could tell, my group of 4 had the most fun, was there for the entire game and actually did what we set out to do. The rest of the folks came and went, came in late, left early, kept roaming around and stuff and a couple of people just looked like they weren't having fun and seemed almost sad.

I feel bad that it didn't work out as I planned, but next time, I will insist it is just our team and no one else...period!

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