Saturday, November 26, 2005

Tea for Four

My sister-in-law loves to fill up the days and hours with lots of things to do when the family (mostly the parents) are in town for the week, and this time she suggested a Children's Tea. Sounded interesting, but quite the unknown event for me. But it was an afternoon with the ladies (including the littlest lady, Maggie).

We headed to Palo Alto and went to this little tea shop where we were served by two young ladies, one who was only 9 or 10! We each picked our tea (Maggie got her own tea pot with milk in it) and a plate of goodies for each of us. Maggie ended up with 4 little heart-shaped peanut butter sandwiches that she absolutely adored, while the grown-ups had other tea sandwiches, little quiches, tartlets and the like. We had quite a nice time and Maggie was very well-behaved.

This was too much fun - it seemed like such a relaxing way to sit with the girls and talk (and eat) and just enjoy it. I highly recommend it for anyone who might be interested. Now I just have to find tea rooms here AND a group of ladies that might consider making it a monthly event...I can be SUCH a girl sometimes!

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