Friday, November 25, 2005

A Tale of Two Turkeys

Happy Turkey Day, one and all (unless you are in Canada)!

A hearty dinner and some full bellies later...

In my family, we have a tradition of deep-frying the turkey - I may have Thanksgiving in California, but we are from the South! My brother makes quite the spectacle of lowering that bird into the hot fat - but DAYHUM isn't it right tasty!

So in order for there to be enough for all AND for turkey sandwiches all weekend (on homemade bread, of course), we have to also roast a turkey. I am of the mind that when you cannot find the perfect recipe, take the best aspects of several and create your own. Not only do you end up with tasty vittles, but you can call it your own ;)!

So I roasted a turkey over some stuffing (yes, I said over) and it was delicious - I wish you could have been there to partake. I'd post the menu, but why torture you?

So I hope you all had just as happy a Turkey Day as we did - here's to the Christmas feast in our short futures!

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