Friday, June 30, 2006

It's a Blast!

Current mood: flirty

So I think I may have lost my mind - and my regular sleep patterns. The XBox 360 is like crack (or insert your drug of choice here). I allow myself to spend hours shooting people online for kicks - what the hell? I guess it could be worse, I could really have a drug habit.

So completely unrelated to the Crack-Box, I have started the interview process for the replacement position what was so hastily vacated last Friday. I hate interviewing - I just want to hire the right damn person, already! People tend to talk out their asses or lie and tell me what I want to hear...DUDE! Tell me the truth, dammit!

I'm an honest person, I expect honesty around me (this is probably why I remain single). I don't play games (except on the XBox, apparently) and I just want to get to the f*ing point! Okay - mini-vent complete.

Otherwise, I don't have much to report. I'm happy right now (except for being insanly crazy at work) and I think that is a good thing. I'm feeling bold - I think I may do something rash...Stay Tuned!

Currently listening:
Closer to God
By Nine Inch Nails
Release date: By 19 May, 1994

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