Monday, May 29, 2006

Kickin' it at The Ted

Current mood: hot

Memorial Day - the 2nd of the 3-day-weekends for 2006. It's the end of May and therefore very hot in the ATL. So why, why, why did I agree to go to a baseball game at 1pm today? Just stupid, I guess.

Here we have the basic problem of wanting to spend time with friends, wanting to go watch my Braves play (and drool over the Baby Braves - just a nickname, folks) but wanting to do it in a cool and air-conditioned environment...great planning, huh?

I cannot complain too much - as we really did have fun. Once the sun passed behind us, we were in the shade and there was a nice breeze some of the time. The problem was that the Braves played like CRAP!

Luckily, I did get to see a friend that I had not seen in a long time (this means you, Yancey!) and I wasn't the only one making a fool of myself yelling at the field (ummm, YB - that means YOU!). Dani toughed it out to spend the time with us all - way to go, chica! I have some great friends and am very lucky.

So here is what I have decided...and some of you may already have figured this out...I'm going to stop stressing about finding "someone." Everytime I figure out that I am going to just focus on living my life, I end up finding someone great to spend time with (as just friends or more). So - here is me ceasing the stressing. Maybe you just have to get your brain out of that place that causes concern and just RELAX!

I have a very busy June in store for me (can it be July now?!), including a trip to India that I really starting to wish I weren't taking. On the positive end, I do get to see my niece and nephew the week before...maybe they can get me through!

As for other thoughts here, I have to say that good friends are great, but great friends are even better. Shannon - you truly made my day today and you make me feel worthy :) If any of you have the pleasure of being friends with someone who speaks so highly of you that you want to be an even better person - that friend is gold. Make sure you live up to their praise - every day!

Did I mention it's 90-degrees in the shade here?!

Currently listening:
Let Love In
By The Goo Goo Dolls
Release date: By 25 April, 2006

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