Monday, February 19, 2007

Snaps for the Fam

Current mood: cheerful

Saturday was my birthday celebration with my parents where they cook an amazing meal and usually watch a movie together. Yes I know this was a bit early, but my father is a consultant and has been traveling a lot lately. He is off to Rochester, NY for the week and so we needed to do this before he left. The upside is, it leaves me free to play Trivia on Tuesday night with my buddies!

I spent the day working on projects for my parents and doing a little prep work for dinner. For once, they did not torture me by bringing out my presents early and setting them on the table without allowing me to open them. Finally, just before dinner, my mother walked in with a couple of presents for me.

As a side note, I have had one item on my Wish List for a couple of years now, and no one had bothered to get it for me. I just guessed that since it was a high priced item, they opted against it. However, it turns out (I realized at Christmas) no one really uses my Wish List anymore. I think it was a tool for Angie (as I used hers) for Birthdays and I think I use it more as a reminder for myself!

So to get one with the news, I opened my presents. First up was a ThermaPen in Green. Those of you who know my cooking side; this is an instant-read thermometer that is the top of the line. So I was very excited about that! Plus, the green goes with my kitchen decor. Next was the huge box. At first glance, I assumed this was just some china; that seemed reasonable. I took off the paper and was just chatting away with my parents when I let out quite a scream. It turns out, that high priced item was in the box!! It is a Digital Canon SLR 350D. And all that started running through my head was "what can I shoot first?"

I was so excited, I could hardly contain myself. This was huge and quite awesome of my parents to do. No more crappy hand-me-down point and shoot happy-snapping digital camera. This was the REAL DEAL!

Not to worry folks, this does not mean I am stopping with the analog, film and negatives photography...I just couldn't. However, I will be saving a LOT of money and time this way and I cannot wait!

So for dinner, we had a wonderful meal:
Beef Fondue with a Variety of Dipping Sauces
Lemon Spaghetti
Cappuccino Crème Brûlée

It was all scrumptious.

After dinner, my brother called to tell me that he had sent my present, but was unaware we were doing dinner so soon. It turns out, he is sending me a very large memory card for my new camera and it just had not gotten there yet...DAMN! He did, however, offer me my first assignment…his birthday present! I have until March 14th, so I should have plenty of time to scout my location and get just the right shot for him, then frame it and send it.

All-in-all it was a great celebration. Today, it is super quiet at work. Most of my team is off in the Bay Area on business (without me, which is annoying). Now I am wondering why on Earth I am coming in to work tomorrow instead of being stress free....not sure, but I will enjoy the quiet time, for sure!

I still have my "dinner party" next weekend with my friends and I hope everyone can make it. It will be great fun and great food once again!

Currently listening :
Oh No
By OK Go
Release date: By 07 November, 2006

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