Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Tuxedo Parade

Movie Review: La Marche de l'empereur (March of the Penguins)

This is the story of annual trek of Emperor penguins as they fight the elements to arrive at their breeding ground. On the surface, I know it sounds riveting, but truly it was.

I was in San Francisco and my sister-in-law and I did our Tuesday trip to the movie theatre for the Mom's Matinee (thanks to Century Theatres) - see previous post for more info: Begin the Bat.

This was a great film for the entire family - despite the death and sex involved! Considering they are penguins, and you don't really see anything (some heavy petting and balls of fur covered in snow), it is a very tame movie. The amazing piece is how these penguins survive and keep their young alive. I was enthralled and had no idea what penguins went through to keep their species alive.

The US version of this film was narrated by none other than, the master himself, Morgan Freeman. His voice was very nurturing and really played well with the film. I would highly recommend this to anyone who is interested...and even if you aren't, maybe you should be?!

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