Saturday, July 24, 2004

How's that one go??

Movie Review: The Clearing and Before Sunset and The Bourne Supremacy

So I just have to say it - what a great run of non-predictable endings of movies recently.  Today I saw The Clearing (wahoo, Bob Redford, even if he is looking a bit haggared) and Before Sunset (sequal to 1994's Before Sunrise).  Both movies did not end up where I thought they would - hooray for Fox Searchlight and Castlerock. Between The Clearing and Garden State (yes I am a member of F.O.G.S.), Fox Searchlight is giving Miramax a true run for it's's about time.

Also, I saw The Bourne Supremacy on Thursday at an EarthLink employee screening (long story). Anyway, can I say how refreshing it is when the sequal is better than the first movie. And there was a fight scene that just blew me away...the moves - WOW!

Not much more except to say...go see Garden State starting 7/28 (8/6 for those of you not in LA or NYC).  Personally, I will be in NYC watching it this Friday - wahoo!


Nominate Zach Braff for Best Original Screenplay!!!

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