Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Step By Step

Current mood: ecstatic

Well folks, I am pretty much moved into my new place! Can you believe it? After having to pay for packers and movers (since my current condition allows for NO physical activities), my checkbook hates me, but my new place is great!

Did I mention that I painted the living room purple?

For those of you that know me - this is completely normal and totally fitting for a Lindy apartment. Yes, yes, you can all come over for a visit as soon as the boxes are unpacked...now, how will I get that accomplished?

I will say that YB was a god-send as usual. He stepped in and helped with the heavy-lifting (literally). Also, D3 offered her handiwork as well, but for whatever reason we passed...big mistake in hindsight.

Anyway, my shit is in a new locale - that's all that matters :)

Next on the list - I have to take a trip. I am making my usual trek to SFO for Thanksgiving week to see the kiddies. However, this will put me one California trip shy of Platinum status on Delta for 2007 - so apparently LA here I come. I have a few friends out there (some who actually might like to see me and some who may have to think of excuses), so it won't be a waste of a long weekend. I mean, only $300 for a weekend trip to LA?! Why not, I say.

Anyway, that's all there is to report! Later all. Have a Happy Halloween!

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

No I am not dead...

Current mood: optimistic

...although the rumors are not that far off. So the reason I have been MIA (from the Blog, MySpace, XBox, etc) is that I have been laid up for well over a month - more like 2. I have slipped a disc in my back and have not been in my own home pretty much since my trip back from India.

So as a result - I am moving! Why you may ask? Well, I currently live in a townhouse where you walk in the door and walk up a ton of stairs. Then to go to my office or bedroom, I have to walk up a ton more stairs - not good for the back or the knee. So......

Next week I am moving across the street - well, sort of. Can you call a street in an apartment complex an actual street? Anyway, the new place is practically in the next building over and is about the same size, but without all the stairs! And did I mention the major savings in rent I would be benefitting from as well?

Soon, you should all be hearing from me once again on a more regular basis, I hope. Stay tuned.